

The Millsberry Kids’ World is committed to provide healthy meals and snacks for children. We are aware that a variety of well-balanced and nutritious diet is an absolute requirement for both physical and intellectual growth of children.
We provide morning and afternoon snacks in addition to a lunch. Mealtimes are seen as pleasant social experiences for all. Good eating habits are encouraged. Food will be used as a learning experience and, at times, children will take part in observing its preparation. Food will also be used to introduce the children to other cultures.
The menu will be on display. Requests for individual diet needs will be catered to wherever possible and any special dietary restrictions and/or allergies, if notified, will be well considered. If babies need sterilized bottles, parents will have to bring these to the centre, prepared and marked daily.
The Millsberry Kids’ World has its own Policy Guideline for safe eating practice for young children.

Policy Guidelines for making eating safer for young children.

Do not give foods that can break off into hard pieces, for example, avoid raw carrots, celery sticks and apple pieces. These foods should be grated or cooked.
Sausages, frankfurts and other meats should be cut into small pieces. The tough skins on frankfurts and sausages should be removed.
Do not give nuts, popcorn, hard lollies, cornchips or other similar food to young children.

Procedure to ensure safe eating

Always stay with young children and supervise them while eating.
Make sure that young children sit quietly while eating.
Never force young children to eat, as this may cause them to choke.

Health & Safety

The Millsberry Kids’ World is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy environment for both the children and the staff. The physical safety of children is one of the most important responsibilities of the centre. Children are not left unattended either inside or outside the building.
The medical doctor inspect once a month to all students for routine check-up.
Children suffering from contagious infections should stay home and recover before returning to school. For the sake of staff and other children as well as your own, please do not bring a sick child to The Millsberry Kids’ World.
Please notify the school, if your child has a contagious disease and be aware of the speed with which such illness may spread.
Please ensure that the centre has been advised of any allergy your child may have to food, medicine, etc.

Communication with the staff about your child’s health is essential. This ensures that the care we provide responds to your child’s need. This is possible only if we have full and up to date information about your child.


Medicine must be delivered in the original bottle, and handed to a staff member. The date, child’s name, medication prescribed, dosage, administrative time and parent’s signature MUST be recorded on the medication sheet provided. Please notify a staff member on arrival what the medication is for.
Any medication that is or may be required during the day must be recorded on the medication sheet daily. Staff will contact parents for verbal permission if children require Panadol during the day. This will be written up by the staff and must be signed later by the parent / guardian. Children requiring Panadol due to a fever will be requested to collect their child.
Prescription medication will only be given to the child whose name is recorded on the bottle – therefore, siblings cannot share medication.
Any special health / medication issues your child has i.e., Asthma, must be put on an action plan which will be kept on file and in the child’s section. These will provide staff with information about your child’s illness and will be used in instances that the parent is not contactable.
Medication and ointments must not be kept in children’s drawers – hand them to a staff member. Two staff will double check any medication given to a child and also sign it off on the medication sheet.


Every effort is made to prevent accident. However if a child does have an accident staff will take appropriate action .If your child has a minor accident at the Millsberry Kids’ World (e.g. scraped knees) the staff are trained in Senior First Aid and are able to deal with the problem. An accident report book is kept by the staff in the office, recoding the date, time of the accident, and the nature of the wound, who treated the child and what treatment was used. Parents are asked to sign this report when they collect their child.
Every effort will be made to notify the parent or guardian if medical attention is required (it is of almost importance that we have accurate daytime contact telephone numbers). Depending on the security of the accident /illness, the child will be taken to the Kanti Bal Hospital or other nursing hospital.

Infection & Disease

The risk of infection is high in a Child Care Centre, but can be greatly reduced by appropriate use of preventative measures, such as washing hands when arriving at the centre and when departing from the centre.
Please contact the Centre as soon as an infectious disease is diagnosed and abide by the prescribed incubation periods (this information is available from the Centre and Health sheets are available on different diseases), or until a doctor’s clearance is received by the Centre.
It is imperative that the Centre be kept informed of any medical conditions that a child has or develops. The best place for children when they are unwell is home.

Child Immunization

The Centre requires that all children attending the Centre be immunized according to the current schedule and guidelines recommended by the National Health lResearch Council (the “current immunization guidelines”). An enrolling parent who provides the Centre with a certificate from a medical practitioner stating that their child cannot be immunized for medical reasons (“medical exemption”) will not be required to adhere to the current immunization guidelines.
The aim is to provide a safe healthy environment, by ensuring as far as possible that all children enrolled at the Centre are immunized at the appropriate age.
On the enrolment form a child’s immunization status will be recorded. Documentary evidence will be required and a photocopy kept. Parents are asked to inform the Centre of immunizations as they occur, so that records are kept up to date. The Centre will also send out update sheets annually to help ensure that our records are current.
If it comes to the attention of the Centre that a child is not immunized according to the current immunization guidelines and does not have a medical exemption, the enrolling parent will be given two weeks notice in writing to update their child’s immunization. Failure to do so will result in their child care bookings being cancelled and care refused.
In the event of any outbreaks of a disease in the Centre, children who are not immunized due to a medical exemption, or not age appropriately immunised will be excluded immediately from the Centre, and full fees charged for the period of exclusion, unless determined otherwise by the Management Committee.

Dental Care

The Centre will promote the importance of dental care with children and parents.
Up to date information about dental care and hygiene will be introduced to children through the programs and shared with parents via the Center’s newsletters.
The Centre minimizes the use of sugar in foods and children are encouraged to drink water after meals and throughout the day.

Dental care is supported through our Nutrition policy. TRANSPORTATION AND SAFETY

Transportation is available at accessible places and to children above 24 months of age. All children riding the school’s vehicles must adhere to safety rules. Children must remain seated, wear a seat belt and follow the staff’s direction at all times. Loud disruptive noises and behavior will not be permitted. Because of the seriousness of safety concerns, we will notify parents immediately of any discipline problems that occur in our vehicles.
The timing of pickup and drop has to be strictly adhered to.

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